Young Achievers— Primary Section

Vasishta of VII C
School Leader - Boy

Rachitha of VII A
School Leader - Girl

Arnav of VII A
School Leader - Boy

Ridhi of VII B
School Leader - Girl
Best Outgoing Students of VII Std for the year 2022 - 23
Best Outgoing Students - Boys
Best Outgoing Students - Boys
Arnav Kishore
Manish G V
Smitha Raghavan
Nesar B Vaa
Hrushitha M
Jeythree of 4C

Secured First prize in the “Samskrita KanTha PaaTha competition in the Cluster Level ‘Prathibha Karanji’ event organized by the Govt of Karnataka.
Secured First prize in the “Samskrita KanTha PaaTha’ competition in the Taluk Level ‘Prathibha Karanji’ event organized by the Govt of Karnataka.
Secured First rank for the school and a ‘Medal of Distinction’ in the SOF International Maths Olympiad 2022-23.
Secured First Rank for the school and a ‘Gold Medal of Excellence’ in the SOF National Science Olympiad 2022-23. Secured First Rank for the school and a ‘Gold Medal’ in the National Level Science Talent Search Examination (NSTSE)
Shreenandan of 4C
First prize for Samskrit Geeta gayana in ‘Prajnodeepam’ held at
Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha Gurukula.
First prize for Bhakthi Geethe at Taluk level n Prathibha karanji competition 2022- 2023.
Third prize for Ekapatraabhinayam in Prajnadeepanam 2022-2023 at Poornaprajna Vidyapeeta Samskrit Gurukula.
Third prize for singing in Sr Vidyesha Naada Vaibhava Mahothsava 2022.
Consolation prize for singing at Annual music competition 2022 by The
Bangalore Gayana Samaja.

Anuj Rao of 7C

A student of 7th standard at PPEC Sadashivanagar Branch , Bengaluru, is a keen enthusiast both in sports and cultural activities .
During the past few years, he has participated and won in several competitions at school including Talent’s Day, Haridasa Jayanthi, Club activities and also represented the school at Inter PPEC and Taluk level Table Tennis championships.
Apart from school events, he also won the first prize in singing in 7th – 10th Standard category at “Bangalore Ke Sitaare” competition held at Vishwa Vidyapeeth Group of Schools (Yelahanka) in September’22. He received a cash prize of Rs. 2,000 and a memento and certificate for the
same. He is performing well in his studies and scores >95% in all the subjects.
He has been awarded a gold Medal of Excellence and certificate for securing 3rd rank in IEO 1st level Olympiad.
Pratham Hegde of 7B
I had just completed my 5th Standard exams when Covid-19 struck and I was left stuck at home with no outdoor activities to attend. It was during this period where I realized that I have a natural flair for computer programming.I myself learnt the Scratch programming language and completed two courses on Udemy. Later, I developed over 20 mini-projects in Scratch. They can be viewed here:
Taking this further, in order to help other young learners learn Scratch coding in a fun way, I created and published a free e-learning course on youtube. In this course, I provide step-by-step guidance to develop 4 interesting projects from the ground up.
Further, I completed the following advanced online courses offered by Harvard University, without any assistance. Each course required completing 30 hours of classes and spending over 150 hours in submitting the coding assignments and final project.
1) Introduction to Computer Science (
2) Introduction to Programming with Python (
I also attended a 10 session workshop on Microsoft Excel techniques conducted by an NITK Surathkal alumnus and I stood first out of 30 participants (which included seniors) in the assessments conducted by the instructor.

ShreeKiran Josyer of 7B

ShreeKiran Josyer has won first prize for singing at Jhankriti 2022 organized by World Forum Art and Culture at the Art of Living, Sri Sri Ravishankar Ashram, Bangalore and is conferred with title Ghandharva Bhushan. Kamala T Avadhany Memorial Award 2022 – first prize for singing organized by Avadhany Foundation, Bangalore; for Samskrit Dharmika Pathana (Bhagvad Gita) at Prathibha Karanji 2022-2023 at District level, for classical and Semi-classical singing at Raagalahari, organized by Rotary Bangalore, Indiranagar, for Bhagavad Gita recitation at Prajnadeepanam 2022-2023 at Poornaprajna Vidyapeetha Samskrita Gurukula. Second prize in singing for Veena Sheshanna composition at The Bangalore Gayana samaja annual competition.
Second place at Taluk level in Higher primary Sport meet in Table Tennis.
Young Achievers— High School
Best Performers - Boys

Best Outgoing Student - Boy

Best All-Rounder - Boy

Rakshith P
Best Sports Student - Boy

Best Disciplined Student - Boy

Best Musician - Boy
Best Performers - Girls

Anagha B
Best Outgoing Student -Girl

Tanvi J
Best All-Rounder - -Girl

Akhayashree H
Best Sports Student -Girl

Best Disciplined Student -Girl